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Reader's Digest: featuring articles, hints, tips, products, free e-greeting cards, daily interactive crossword, Reader's Digest Word Power Challenge, trivia games, forums, and opportunities to win cash and prizes in free draws and sweepstakes.

Motion Picture Association of America
The movie ratings system is a voluntary system operated by the MPAA and the National Association of Theater Owners (NATO).

Reasons for Movie Ratings (CARA)
To find the rating on a specific movie, type all or part of the movie title in the box below, then press Enter or click on Search. Do not use "The", "A", or "An" at the beginning of a title. This database contains movies rated since 1968. For complete information on how to use the movie rating database,

Motion Picture Association of America
Includes information on ratings system for both movies and television, press releases, and legislation. Each week, law enforcement around the world catch movie thieves red handed. Since last year, authorities have seized over...

Reasons for Movie Ratings (CARA)
Voluntary Movie Rating System...

Paul Goscicki » WP Movie Ratings
Technology oriented blog centered mostly around web applications development (PHP/Rails/Ajax) mixed together with other topic varying from linux administration to movie reviews.

Kids-In-Mind: Movie Ratings That Actually Work
The definitive parents' guide to movies and video since 1992, Kids-In-Mind rates films according to how much sex, nudity, violence, gore and profanity they contain.

Motion picture rating system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A motion picture rating system categorizes films with regard to suitability for children and/or adults in terms of issues such as sex, violence, drugs, profanity or other types of mature content. A pa...

Alberta Film Ratings
Movie ratings can help film patrons make informed decisions about what is appropriate viewing for themselves and their families.

Family Movie Ratings
Family movie ratings are brought to you by Common Sense Media. Learn about our family friendly rating system for movies, TV, books, web sites, music and video games.

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